Tagging Users in Posts

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Official Information
Staff member
Mar 20, 2012
The tagging feature that makes it so you can tag another user by typing an '@' sign before their username. The only kicker is that the username must be spelled accurately. It's good for getting someone's attention if you're not sure they will check back on the thread. It will notify them they've been tagged and turn their name into a link to their profile. Like this: Summit, Ndheiner

We recently added a bit more functionality to the tagging feature. Now when you start typing your tag, type the @ sign then start typing the username and it will display suggestions of users below the post editor. You can then just click on the correct user and it will finish typing their username. This is very handy if you don't know exactly how a specific username is spelled.

I couldn't take a screenshot without making the autosuggest pop-up disappear so here's a real screenshot. :lol:
SWEEET!!!!! I'm always scrolling up to look how someone spelled their nickname.
Thanks Nick! I searched for this answer but didn't see this thread. I'll try it out on a thread I'm working on right now.