The "good morning" thread

Chuck the Mauler

Formally known as "kcwins"
Aug 20, 2014
In honor of those who have migrated over from the backpacker forum, don't have or use facebook or simply want to pad their post count (@Vegan.Hiker @scatman @Ben @Joey @Bob ) , here ya go.

Good morning. Great summer like temps here in the midwest this week. Figures....the week AFTER we leave the Tetons the weather there is quite nice too. Good for @Joey ! Can't wait to see his TR from this week. The coffee was just OK this morning. Oh well. See ya all tomorrow.
Everyone's "morning's" are different. Mine starts at 5:00AM. Others may work afternoons or midnight's or simply like to sleep in until 11:00AM....You get it.
Mornin. Just tried some of my Costa Rica Alaska -Lote El Llano I roasted over the weekend. It might need to "rest" and degas for a couple more days though. Pretty good stuff! Another gorgeous week here in the D.
Mornin! Watched the new muppets show with my wife last night - pretty funny, felt like a cross between the Office and 30 Rock but with muppets.
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Mornin. Just tried some of my Costa Rica Alaska -Lote El Llano I roasted over the weekend. It might need to "rest" and degas for a couple more days though. Pretty good stuff! Another gorgeous week here in the D.
What's this about gas in the morning?
Just waiting for the coffee to finish brewing. 6:13 am MDT.
thanks @Chuck the Mauler . i've been waiting for this. glad you made it happen. i've got some work here in Boise starting today, before i head down to the Grand Canyon in two weeks.

also back here in Boise is now the hottest weather i've had all summer. though it's fall today. sweaty on the motorcycle again. pretty crazy the mornings were freezing back in Jackson.
@Artemus - I was talking about the coffee. But I guess if you need to "degas", go ahead.
@Ben - After our Teton adventure I had to make this happen. Even if it's just for fun. Have a blast in the big ditch. I'd like to hear a TR when you get back. It's on my list of places I need to spend more time at. Oh, and nice pics by the way.
@Blake Merrell - Kids sleeping through the night is a good thing. It's been a few years since I've had to be concerned about that. Now the question is "What time will you be home?"
@Vegan.Hiker _ What's next in the que? Haven't seen it yet. But I did like the office.
That's horrible. what kind of reaction do you get to it?

Whole body itching and uhhh... 'intestinal distress'. It's part of a much larger allergy disaster I'm experiencing. I'm basically down to a handful of very plain, boring foods that I think I'm not allergic to, but I'm still not totally symptom free. Still trying to figure it all out. I can't even begin to explain how much it sucks.
woah, no coffee now @Nick? I could give up just about anything, but god damn, give me coffee or give me death.

Perhaps that's just the coffee roaster in me. @Chuck the Mauler - Good idea for a thread! little social corner. I've been roasting coffee as a part time job for 5 years now. My favorite bean recently is an amazing Eithiopia Sidamo Kedabo. I've taken it to a Cinnamon/Full City, and just love the dried cherry, slightly boozey taste it's giving me. :smilecoffee::geek:
I've had my moments, but I've never been too attached to coffee, thankfully. I've been really enjoying the switch to tea the past couple weeks.
I've had my moments, but I've never been too attached to coffee, thankfully. I've been really enjoying the switch to tea the past couple weeks.

I've been into tea a lot in the past. There is some really great stuff. I generally stock up at the Asian stores down here. There is a tea called Pu-erh, it's fermented for a while, and has a really nice toasted flavor.
my girl's allergic to coffee. it's bad enough she can't even walk near the aisle in the grocery store. her throat starts itching, bothers her eyes, she'll get hives eventually. she can have a reaction even from touching some thing that's touched coffee.
Yeah. Although I'd rather have three more knee replacements than all the allergies that have cropped up since. Here's what's out so far...

Beer :cry:
Many Teas (the basic ones are ok)
Pickles & all pickled vegetables
Smoky flavorings
Citrus rind and any type of citrus flavoring
The majority of spices you'd find on a spice rack
Ice cream
Pretty much all soft drinks (coke, etc)
Almost anything that says 'natural flavoring' on the label
Basically anything with flavor in it at all (now I'm just getting angry)
Most fragrances
99% of all soaps, shampoos, toothpastes, deodorants, detergents, etc.
Antibiotic Ointments

I must have been sensitive to some of it earlier in life, but for the most part it just became a problem since the knee replacement. And the reactions just keep getting more severe. Makes me wonder what relationship the two have. But on the bright side. Cheese is still my friend. And, yes, doggies too. Praise the FSM!