the ultimate trip report!

Mike Coronella

New Member
Apr 1, 2014
from the creator of the Hayduke Trail:

first--the Hayduke Trail is an 850 or so mile long backcountry backpacking route across southern Utah's National Parks and the Grand Canyon.
I wrote a book about my three walks from Arches to Zion--it's got trip reports from all three hikes, from a solo journey on the John Muir Trail, lots of history and interpretive information, and tons of stunning photos.

I'm trying to self publish and have a campaign on to raise the funds to do so (check out the link--if nothing else, you'll find the video pretty amusing!).

I'd really appreciate your support and I ask all of you to share this far and wide so this journey may be completed!

thanks and Keep it Wild!

Mike Coronella
Heya Mike!

Good to see you on here. Sounds like a cool project.

BTW -- your original guidebook was a real inspiration for me to finally up the ante and start doing LONG hikes across southern Utah myself. So, for that... Thanks!

- Jamal