Too Good for the Cinema Thread-Andrew Bird in Coyote Gulch!


Desert Rat-Weekend Warrior
Jun 7, 2012
Wow, two of my most favorite things. Andrew Bird playing and recording songs in Coyote Gulch.

I often whistle his tunes in canyons, I even took my Martin Backpacker into the Roost with me this past weekend and played a couple of his songs. I never though I'd hear HIM playing in these canyons. Just when I thought he couldn't get any better....


Awesome. I'd like to do a music camp sometime and write some songs in the desert with other musicians.
Awesome. I'd like to do a music camp sometime and write some songs in the desert with other musicians.

This was the first time I've packed in my guitar. It was kind of odd to think that I only brought one pair of shoes, but packed my guitar!! Totally worth it, but maybe only because I didn't have any camera gear with me.