Trail Guide Suggestions


Wilderness Seeker
Apr 16, 2016
Hi @Nick
I have a few suggestions for the Trail Guide section of this forum. First off, I love how the basic set-up of it now, how you can narrow down the trips by mountain range. However, I think that this section is under-utilized and has tremendous potential. I think the trail guides have the potential to be one of the best resources for trip planning on the entire Web, and here's why. I'm not sure how feasible this is, but what if when you click on a trail guide on this site, you can choose hikes in the mountain range you want and filter by backpacking, day hikes, cycling, boating (plus recommended *starred* trips)... And also have a list of links to dozens of amazing trip reports of the area. This site has hundreds of trip reports to accomplish this. You'd have to organize all the trip reports by area, and add many more trail guides to flesh it out, but I can see this being a premier resource.

Just my two cents, but please give it some thought. Thank you.