Traversing the Beartooths: Does Direction Matter?


Jan 4, 2021
Hello all,

Some friends and I have set aside four nights to do the "Beaten Path" in August, and I was looking today at shuttle and hotel options. And then I realized that every time I have thought about this trip, and I think every report I have ever seen, has been from East Rosebud going west. Why is this?

I ask because, for reasons that are not worth explaining, our shuttle trip might work better if we do it the other way. Also, I am probably over-thinking the whole thing.

So, my basic question: Does no one go west to east on this trip, and if they don't, why don't they?

Also: We figure we can do it in two nights, which means we have two to wander around the plateau. Suggestions on where to go?

The trail is mostly downhill going from Chief Joseph to East Rosebud. From East Rosebud to Fossil Lake is pretty much all uphill.

Edit: double checked on a map and East Rosebud is about 1500 feet lower than Chief Joseph.
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The trail is mostly downhill going from Chief Joseph to East Rosebud. From East Rosebud to Fossil Lake is pretty much all uphill.

Edit: double checked on a map and East Rosebud is about 1500 feet lower than Chief Joseph.
Thanks! So it would seem to be 1500 feet less elevation gain going from chief Joseph to East Rosebud. That might make a bit of a difference. I also wonder if there is any difference in the crowds and traffic based on which way you go.