Turpin Meadows Horse Traffic


Aug 29, 2022
  • Which trails out of Turpin Meadows see less horse traffic?
  • Is Pacific Creek Trailhead any better?

My goal is to get to Hawk's Rest. I was on Soda Creek trail after some rainy weather this weekend.. it's shocking the damage horses do to a trail.
RockyMtnCol, Yes it is quite shocking to see the damages that horses and mules do to the trail. The biggest damages in a normal year seem to be in the spring when the country is opening up and during the fall hunting season. And most probably with the wet year it has been most undoubtedly this has been a tough year on the trails.

Now all the trails get a bunch of horse use ... both the North Buffalo River Trail and the Pacific Creek Trail. At this time of year one of the lesser used routes would be up the Snake River at the South Entrance of Yellowstone. Also at Turpin Meadows you could use the Clear Lake Trail up to Clear Lake and then Enos Lake and then Pacific Creek and then over also. Lots of the outfitters rush into the wilderness at this time for the fall hunting season is coming up and are setting up hunting camps, their hunting clients, and everything. Do not know how it is right now hunting season wise back in there. But in years gone by, it could really get crazy back in there during the Wyoming Hunting glory days do think.

Now because of the fall hunting season, many a year would be more in the Teton and Washakie Wilderness all spring and summer. Then come fall would be in the backcountry of the SE part of Yellowstone Park. Would go Snake River, Heart Lake, backsides of Yell. Lk., then to the Thorofare or down from the 9 mile TH. Have been in all that country from May to October. Might have to do a fall trip myself.