Vandalism in Zion

It would be barbaric and petty, but I bet you'd see a lot less graffiti if the punishment for defacement was having your own "art" tattooed to your forehead :)
I'm not much on internet trash talk, because it's a coward's medium, but this is one thing that's 100% guaranteed to set me off.
Part of me just feels sad that anyone would go to beautiful places, and feel the need to "leave their mark" on them.
The other part truly hopes that I'm the one that happens along while someone's got a can of paint in their hand.
The mere fact that they have it means it's not a spur of the moment thing, like building a giant cairn or whatnot, but that they came to that beautiful place with the intention of defacing it.
They need something that makes a more lasting impression than a fine.
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