West Clear Creek Ruin


Dec 15, 2020
Looking for coordinates for West Clear Creek Ruin. Thought I had them and went last week. Bushwacked along cliff face to find nothing and after a really lousy drive on the roads. I was told to climb down a cut in the area to the ruin but never found the ruin. I might not have climbed down far enough. Was given the following as the location of the ruin 34°33'58.66"N 34°33'58.66"N with no elevation given this might be correct. Any help will be appreciated and I am willing to help anyone else that needs it. I have hundreds of places that we have gone to photograph. Thanks.
Looking for coordinates for West Clear Creek Ruin. Thought I had them and went last week. Bushwacked along cliff face to find nothing and after a really lousy drive on the roads. I was told to climb down a cut in the area to the ruin but never found the ruin. I might not have climbed down far enough. Was given the following as the location of the ruin 34°33'58.66"N 34°33'58.66"N with no elevation given this might be correct. Any help will be appreciated and I am willing to help anyone else that needs it. I have hundreds of places that we have gone to photograph. Thanks.
I'll look again....was there in 2015.... I have post here from then. Your courier are screwed up. I'll pm you
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I'll look again....was there in 2015.... I have post here from then
We might have been over it and did not realize it. Must have missed where trail goes down. Where we were at we had to literally crawl through bushed then trail ran out. From aerial it looks like it was below us but I still do not know how to get to the next lower level.
Looking for coordinates for West Clear Creek Ruin. Thought I had them and went last week. Bushwacked along cliff face to find nothing and after a really lousy drive on the roads. I was told to climb down a cut in the area to the ruin but never found the ruin. I might not have climbed down far enough. Was given the following as the location of the ruin 34°33'58.66"N 34°33'58.66"N with no elevation given this might be correct. Any help will be appreciated and I am willing to help anyone else that needs it. I have hundreds of places that we have gone to photograph. Thanks.

Looking for coordinates for West Clear Creek Ruin. Thought I had them and went last week. Bushwacked along cliff face to find nothing and after a really lousy drive on the roads. I was told to climb down a cut in the area to the ruin but never found the ruin. I might not have climbed down far enough. Was given the following as the location of the ruin 34°33'58.66"N 34°33'58.66"N with no elevation given this might be correct. Any help will be appreciated and I am willing to help anyone else that needs it. I have hundreds of places that we have gone to photograph. Thanks.
Did you ever find the coordinates for the West Clear Creek ruins. Sandy and I would like to make it one of our hikes in the near future. Thanks.
pm me......
I'll look again....was there in 2015.... I have post here from then. Your courier are screwed up. I'll pm you
Were you able to locate? I've been trying to locate for some time, any general help would be appreciated.
private messeged you
Also been researching this location off and on for two years. I think I know where it is on a map, but not 100 percent sure and haven't gone out to look for it. Am hoping to pin down a solid location first. Any interest in sharing location info with a serious and responsible amateur ruin/petroglyph hunter? I understand people are cautious about handing out coordinates. I can provide proof of my interest in this hobby if you need it. Thank you.
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