White Roost Canyons (east and west forks) & North Fork of Robbers Roost Canyon

Feb 7, 2017
My buddy Carlos and I jetted from SLC on friday night for a second consecutive weekend of Canyoneering. We wanted to get out to the Roost country and see some cool canyons and check out the fall colors. On saturday we did the West Fork and East Fork of White Roost Canyon. We saw a group of 10 desert sheep in the top of East Fork right before the first rappel. Both canyons were really fun, and super straight forward. They both get dark enough that we used headlamps, it was most excellent! We didn't see a single person the first day and night, just a few campfires miles and miles away. On sunday we hit up the N. Fork of Robbers Roost. We caught up to a group of 6 at the first rappel and they were kind enough to let us pass. The group leader said that he had never seen another party in the N. Fork before. The canyon was spectacular and very easy going with some fun rappels. We opted to do the "full meal deal" and exit out the "Crack Exit" which involved some really fun up climbing and chimneying out a steep crack.

Staying dry in the West Fork of White Roost

East Fork White Roost

White Roost

Last Rappel in N. Fork of Robbers Roost

White Roost

Eating lunch right before the "crack exit"

Looking down from the top of the "crack exit"

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