Album Wildflowers

Waterton NP in the SW corner of Alberta is known for it's profuse wildflowers, and although this summer has not been the greatest for that, our 4 days there recently did not disappoint.


In addition to an abundance of wildflowers, there are many species that in Alberta, are only found here and in the the neighbouring Castle Provincial Park. Here are four of those:
It seems like an off year for beargrass, compared to last summer's abundance.
Mountain Hollyhock.
Big Mountain Gentian.
Red Monkeyflower.
We loved Crested Butte! I'm jealous of your sons if they live there. I felt obligated as a mountain biker to make a pilgrimage to CB at some point (it's one of the mountain biking meccas), and it didn't disappoint
They love mountain biking (and running and skiing...) and send us lots of pics from their adventures. I'm a horrible cyclist, so I won't be joining them for that, but I'm looking forward to hiking. My younger son has been living there since April and is really happy. My older son is splitting time between there and Boulder, but the drive is too much and he'll mostly be in Boulder starting soon (after our visit). They're still pretty young, so who knows where they'll settle!
They love mountain biking (and running and skiing...) and send us lots of pics from their adventures. I'm a horrible cyclist, so I won't be joining them for that, but I'm looking forward to hiking. My younger son has been living there since April and is really happy. My older son is splitting time between there and Boulder, but the drive is too much and he'll mostly be in Boulder starting soon (after our visit). They're still pretty young, so who knows where they'll settle!
So much for my excitement - girlfriend has covid, both sons exposed and probably will be sick in a few days. No trip to CB... :(
We have wildflower season year-round.
So I toss in some water hyacinths with a tropical setting near the beach
Punaluʻu Black Sand Beach, HI

Coyote Gulch & Escalante River - perfect week (April 21-26) as many cacti started blooming while we were there, and lots of other flowers were showing off as well. :)


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I think these are the tiniest flowers I have ever seen - the open ones were perhaps 1 mm in diameter



I'm fascinated by the primrose and how they turn deep pink before closing - only a few hours after they open earlier in the day


In some spots there were lots of these all together

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None of the thistle were open yet, but these would be opening soon

I only saw these once


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I only saw these once - up near Stevens Arch

At Stevens Arch
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and close up
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and open!
A slightly different variety I guess

I only saw these once

I only saw these once

I only saw these once

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So many future blooms!
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