Wind Rivers - Texas Pass


Jul 31, 2017
I was at Shadow Lake earlier this year and Texas Pass still had too much snow to go over - at least for our little group which included 2 11-year-olds. I'm assuming it's clear now and I'm looking to do a 5-day/4-night loop over over Texas Pass and out through Jackass Pass. I'll be hiking with some friends from Oregon (no kids this time) so we'll go pretty easy the first few days to let them acclimatize. I'm thinking we'll spend the first night at Dad's or Marm's, the second at Shadow or one of the higher lakes, and then go over Texas.

Does anyone have any specific advice for getting over Texas Pass or where to spend the next few nights once we are over? I've only tried to fish Shadow in the middle of the day and was unsuccessful. Any fishing tips for Shadow or any of the other lakes we'll pass?
I am not as well versed as many others, having been over Texas only once.

But for other places to go for the next few nights, even though they might be the wrong direction for a loop: Deep lake, or Temple lake.
Thanks. Im actually thinking of taking my 6-year-old into temple and deep lakes for his first multi-night trip this next weekend.
I'm headed out tomorrow to do this loop. Has anyone fished Shadow Lake or the upper lakes in that cirque? Any last-minute advice for Texas Pass?
Be aware, you will encounter snow on Texas Pass. I was in in the Cirque over Labor Day weekend.

Thanks, Dave. I appreciate the advice and picture. I'll be ready to act like my unintentional glissade was planned all along!