Yellow Knolls


Aug 9, 2007
I was hiking today and I thought to myself, why in the world haven't I been posting any trip reports from all the day hikes I've been doing lately? I've been working on a project for work that involves doing about 60 hikes this spring. I started it off in St. George in March and have been doing stuff around the Wasatch Front as the leaves have started turning green. Now I'm starting to work my way into the mountains as the snow melts.

I'm not going to post all of my hikes as some of them are way too easy or uninteresting for this group, but I'm going to go back and post some of the ones I liked a bit more than others. So here we go...

Yellow Knolls is in the Red Cliffs National Recreation Area just north of St. George. It's an easy hike that traverses the west side of the knolls where it mixes with basalt rocks prominent in the area.

The Yellow Knolls trailhead.

The map of my route. I took the YK trail up to the High Point, then left on that to the Black Gulch Trailhead. From there I road walked back to the Yellow Knolls Trailhead. Total loop was 4 miles or an out and back on the Yellow Knolls trail is about the same. If you had two cars you could shorten it up a bit by spotting one at the Black Gulch Trailhead ahead of time. Or if you wanted to go mostly downhill, spot one at the Yellow Knolls Trailhead and go the other direction.

Approaching the south end of Yellow Knolls where they are most definitely more red than yellow.

I really enjoyed the mix of basalt and sandstone walking up this drainage.

The patterns and textures were nice too.
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It was 80-something out. Plenty hot for me so we stopped and took a short break under a tree.
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The best of the rocks (at least from the trail) were located around half way up. After that it starts to climb out toward the High Point Trail.

High Point is just an old closed dirt road. Popular with mountain bikers, I believe.

Back at the Yellow Knolls trailhead. This had been my 3rd trail of the day. Hot and thirsty, I made my way back to St. George to grab some lunch and go have a siesta in the hotel room before meeting up with @Miss Buffalo to hike Anasazi Ridge. I'll post a TR from that one later.
I did this one a couple of summers ago. Ran it with mya, and it was just too damn hot. I agree that the Basalt/sandstone combo is the best part.