Yellowstone Dayhikes (late May)


Aug 26, 2014
I recently got invited to tag along with a friend who has a work trip out to Yellowstone at the end of May. I've been to Yellowstone a few times but only done the usual short hikes. Accommodations at Mammoth Spring are taken care of, so I won't be camping on this trip. Accordingly, I'm looking for advice or recommendations for day hikes that will work well for this time of year (I expect many of the higher elevations will be snowed in).

I've perused the Yellowstone threads on here and some hikes that stand out to me so far include the Shoshone Geyser Basin, Mallard Lake, and Monument Geyser Basin.

A few thoughts:

-I'm fine with longer hikes, but since I will be solo for most of them shuttle won't be an option.
-I don't mind driving, but would prefer to stay somewhat near Mammoth Springs most days.
-I feel like the Lamar valley would be a good place to explore at this time--any good day hikes to do in there?

many places close to rivers and creeks might still be super muddy, so keep this in mind. And hikes in higher elevations will probably still have snow.
I hiked many rails extensively last September and I'm heading back for more this year.
One of the loops I want to point out is Fairy Falls to Sentinel Meadows, I really enjoyed this one a lot. But it might still be closed for bear management. Usually opens around Memorial Day.
I'll post my trip reports in the next few days as I finally have the time to do so. Maybe you'll find something else you like.