97° in Hanksville today


Jan 17, 2012
97° in Hanksville today....Long cold wet spring in 2011 followed by a hot dry spring in 2012 whats going on?
I'm so envious, we only had 33F and a snow storm. :devil:
I'm so spoiled with the mid 70s and 80s we had for the last few weeks.
This year everything is out of range, maybe we can blame La Nina for it. :)
But snow end of April is an absolutely no go!!!
We had some mighty hot, mighty dry, and borderline epic moments hiking through Swett Creek this weekend thanks to the unexpected heat. Crazy stuff. Looks like it's going to cool right back down though. Either way, at this rate, we'll have the Uintas before the end of May. :)
I cannot wait. I love the Uintas! The lack of moisture should cut down on the skeeters this year. Damn skeeters!
We had some mighty hot, mighty dry, and borderline epic moments hiking through Swett Creek this weekend thanks to the unexpected heat. Crazy stuff. Looks like it's going to cool right back down though. Either way, at this rate, we'll have the Uintas before the end of May. :)

That's the major bonus in my mind, too. More time in the mountains! Last year we had an extended desert season and short mountain season, and it's looking like this year will be the other way around.