Bag Night Challenge 2012


Jan 17, 2012
I remember years back (I am thinking 1998-2001 here) backpacker rag used to have a challenge called the bag night challenge (I took 3rd in 99) where you logged all of your nights you slept in your sleeping bag under the stars. Wonder if we should do something like that here... no prize or anything just the satisfaction that you slept under the stars more nights than your fellow interweb campers.

If we want we can just do it on this thread, Post up to say you are in and every time you get more bag nights just update your single post in the thread with the dates where you were and your total bag nights

Total 0
Date - Location - # days
Sounds like a great idea. I doubt I'll win, but I'm game for playing along.

Total 0
Date - Location - # days
I dig this idea. So this would be for all of 2012 or just ongoing from now until whenever?

Here we go...

2012 year to date:

Total 3
(assuming NYE 2011-2012 does not count ;))

12/31/11 - 1/2/12 - Vermillion Cliffs, AZ-UT border - 3 days (one of which was in 2011)
1/13/12 - 1/14/12 - Canyonlands & Arches National Park - 2 days, cut short after getting carried off of the Delicate Arch Trail :mad:
3/10/12 - Coal Pits Wash, Zion National Park
I dig this idea. So this would be for all of 2012 or just ongoing from now until whenever?
All of 2012 So new years eve we can figure out who wins :)....

It will probably be Nick.. he has way too much freetime..
51 nights, that's amazing.
So you basically spent nearly every weekend in your bag? ;)

I guess I have something like 20 nights, I went a lot of times to our parks in Western New York

Almost. If I also count the nights spent in a hotel on hiking trips, I hit 55. 2011 was good to me. :D
I'm in!!!!!! :twothumbs: I'm sure I won't be close, maybe at the bottom of the top 10, if I'm lucky, unless I have a year like 2011... Then I might as well drop out now. LOL! I just want to beat last years (8 nights).

2012 Total: 0 (I'll be getting in 4 nights next week though!!!!)
I'll play. Did we say we're not counting New Years Eve? I was out then, but came home on New Years Day. The only other sleeping bag night this year was in a rented ranger cabin, are we counting that? Probably not since the wood stove was so warm I didn't really use my sleeping bag.
So, I guess I'm at zero so far.
I'll play. Did we say we're not counting New Years Eve? I was out then, but came home on New Years Day. The only other sleeping bag night this year was in a rented ranger cabin, are we counting that? Probably not since the wood stove was so warm I didn't really use my sleeping bag.
So, I guess I'm at zero so far.

I say cabins count so long as you're in a sleeping bag. ;)
Maybe I'm missing something, but didn't it say "slept in your sleeping bag under the stars"? That means no tent or shelter to me.
I say cabins count so long as you're in a sleeping bag. ;)
Maybe I'm missing something, but didn't it say "slept in your sleeping bag under the stars"? That means no tent or shelter to me.
I didn't mean to exclude tent or shelter.. more to exclude hotels, motorhomes, trailers, cars.. Tents are ok, Yurts good.. cabins that you have to hike etc to get to good... neighbors abandoned house, not so good

I didn't mean to exclude tent or shelter.. more to exclude hotels, motorhomes, trailers, cars.. Tents are ok, Yurts good.. cabins that you have to hike etc to get to good... neighbors abandoned house, not so good
Thanks for clarifying that I was a little confused.
Colton Station cabin, north of Vernal on the South slope of the Uinta's. During the summer you can drive to it, but in winter it's 3 or 4 miles in. We took snowshoes and didn't really need them 'cause there wasn't much snow, but we did hike in.
So a winter trip there might count? But a summer trip, driving right to the cabin, is much the same as a hotel.
Nice place if you're looking for a family friendly weekend. During the summer the cabin has running water; kitchen sink, bathroom sink, flush toilet, and a shower. They have to winterize the cabin though, so none of that works in winter. But the propane stove works so melting snow is easy. There's a wood burning stove for heat (they provide wood). And there's a pit-toilet outhouse. Main cabin sleeps 4 and there's garage building that has been converted to add more sleeping space. The second building has it's own wood burning stove and sleeps 8.
Only 50 bucks the first night and 40 for additional nights.
Here's a link:

Maybe I'll count that as half-a-bag-night...
And speaking of trying to define what counts, I wonder about Army camp. We usually spend two weeks every summer at Camp Williams. It can change though; last year we spent those two weeks in the Dominican Republic and other times we've gone other places. This year we'll be at Camp Williams. Usually we spend 12 or 14 days of a 16 day camp sleeping in big Army tents in the field. Often I end up dragging my cot out of the tent to sleep next to it under the stars, mainly to get away from the tent full of farting and snoring joes, but also 'cause it can get hot in the tents. It's a work thing so not as much fun as a camping weekend, but I'm assuming these nights would count?
And speaking of trying to define what counts, I wonder about Army camp. We usually spend two weeks every summer at Camp Williams. It can change though; last year we spent those two weeks in the Dominican Republic and other times we've gone other places. This year we'll be at Camp Williams. Usually we spend 12 or 14 days of a 16 day camp sleeping in big Army tents in the field. Often I end up dragging my cot out of the tent to sleep next to it under the stars, mainly to get away from the tent full of farting and snoring joes, but also 'cause it can get hot in the tents. It's a work thing so not as much fun as a camping weekend, but I'm assuming these nights would count?

I think the honor system as to what people think counts as a night under the stars is the best way to go about it. Some people may want to go all out and say only buck naked with no shelter others may go with a Yurt... Not like there is a prize here other than bragging rights :) Either way just getting out is what it is all about :)
What if it's an abandoned house in a really scary neighborhood nowhere near my house? :lol:
Only if you make it the entire night and you had to fend off zombies! LOL!