Dude, You're Screwed Utah Episode

I watched the show, though I wish I was familiar enough with the area to debunk what I'm sure was a bunch of B.S. :D They kept showing a map that correctly showed a town (Escalante), but it also showed a town northeast of the drop-in point (which looked to be somewhere in the Waterpocket Fold) and another town to the southeast where the Escalante joins Lake Powell.

When the guy started climbing out of the canyon to the southwest, following human footprints, his buddies were commenting that it was a bad move and that their map showed there was nothing up there. I'd say heading toward HITRR is anybody's best bet of getting to civilization in that area!
I just watched it, i'm a sucker for stuff like this - i love trying to figure out where stuff was filmed haha There are a lot of guys on here who know that area better than me, seemed like they'd taken a lot of "creative licence" with their maps & descriptions though!


What town is that NE of the drop?! And a "River Town" towards the end of HITRR?! I'd take a lot of their locations with a pinch of salt, they may not even have dropped him where the map suggests. And as a London resident, there's no way that opening sequence was shot here haha. A fun show overall, if not totally accurate!
I was just kind of watching the show, and when I glanced over and saw "river town", I knew something was up! Looks like the other 'town' is somewhere by the burr trail.
one of the cast members. matt graham, is from here in boulder utah.i know him rather well. he used to work at the boulder outdoor survival school but has been doing solo courses for quite a few years now. i can't find anywhere i can watch it online….maybe for the better. lol
I was at Kiva Koffee House when I met on of the crew members of this show. He said they dropped him in the Circle Cliffs but the shelter his friends were watching him in was just down stream of the Hwy 12 bridge.
bahahahah...these shows...
Do they not think people will see how blatantly off they are?
Yeah most of the general public, but come on...It's like when Bear Grylls came to Kanab.
Bwahahaa! I watched the episode. What an enormous pile of crap that show is. Aside from all the not-so-obvious stuff, I can't believe they actually try to make people believe they picked up the dude in Europe and put a hood over his head all the way to Utah and that he had no idea where he was. Hahaha!

So the first canyon is absolutely Little Death Hollow. They start off the show midway down where the good narrows begin. I could match up a lot of photos from my trip there. His first camp was in the lower section where it starts to open up. Thanks for building a fire in there, jackass. From there he went down Horse Canyon to the Escalante.

It looks to me like the part where he met the 'locals' was near or at the Harris Wash trailhead, so obviously far, far away from where he was on the Escalante. Too bad he didn't keep going to the 'river town' in the middle of Lake Powell.