Eclipse in the Wind Rivers

Hey @Nethos , sorry for the delayed response (I lost access to my log-in data/password about a year ago; just now getting back on here)

There's an 80% chance (or better) that I'll be leading a small group on a [roughly] 7-day backpack in the Winds during the eclipse. Planning to start at Elkhart Park at least 4 before the eclipse, pass through Titcomb Basin before the weekend (hoping to avoid crowds) and head north of there in hopes of being relatively remote (and secluded, hopefully!) by the 21st. We plan on using the Pinedale Outdoors shuttle service to move one of our vehicles to either Green River Lakes or New Fork Lake. We think it's worth it for the $100 'quasi-shuttle' fee, lets us cover more miles and hopefully be further away from dayhikers / overnighters when the eclipse hits.

Probably 4 of us for sure, but could be 6-7 of us in our party if all decide to make it.
That's where you been? A lost password?!?! Welcome home, mister.
Check the resource section... I have gpx route. Also search this forum for windrivers, wind river. I have posted under wind river. You will find a lot.

Highline trail has a lot of people, titcomb is nice but nice but less crowded places.
Check out MyOwnFrontier wind river on Utube for the north section.

Here's the Utube of my trip:
Bob, it is YouTube... :moses:
@Nethos, what Bob says... but be careful. following the Bob can be an adventure, he is tough.
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@Artemus - yeah, that's a lazy-a$$ excuse, I know, but it's been a very busy year. :confused:

@Nethos - @Nick is correct, we're having them move our vehicle for us. But they also do (or used to do) people shuttles too - more expensive, as I recall, because it's not as convenient for them (vehicle shuttles they can do ob their own schedule, within a larger time window.) But I think the shuttling service is separate now, maybe contracted out to another party. Go to the Pinedale Outdoors website for more details.

I haven't been in the Winds for 30 years, and my wife has never been there. So I am a little nervous about how 'crowded' it has become.... but it couldn't be worse than Sawtooths or Tetons (N.Rockies places she has backpacked with me in recent years), could it??
All depends which area you go to. Most of the crowds are centered around Cirque of the Towers and Titcomb Basin/Island Lake. I did 3 trips there last summer and some of the areas we went to we were the only ones there.
My two long Winds 23 days. Saw 14 people. Nine day Sawtooths traverse trip saw 6 people. But.........not much offical trail hiking for us.
Bob, it is YouTube... :moses:
@Nethos, what Bob says... but be careful. following the Bob can be an adventure, he is tough.

hehe ....... credit is getting given to them from me....

And I am a few years older now........ But looking at another north and east side Winds trip....
@Langdon yeah. I think they still do people shuttles but it doesn't make as much sense as having your car shuttled. Just a drag having to rent a car in Jackson/SLC to have it sit around for a week at a trailhead lighting cash on fire.

Is there a broad strokes trail map of the Winds someplace online? Or can someone recommend a good print one for the area? Doesn't have to be a good topo scale, I can go to caltopo for that. Just want something that has an overview for trip planning.

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Earthwalk Press is about the best, after google earth
Hey @Nethos , sorry for the delayed response (I lost access to my log-in data/password about a year ago; just now getting back on here)

There's an 80% chance (or better) that I'll be leading a small group on a [roughly] 7-day backpack in the Winds during the eclipse. Planning to start at Elkhart Park at least 4 before the eclipse, pass through Titcomb Basin before the weekend (hoping to avoid crowds) and head north of there in hopes of being relatively remote (and secluded, hopefully!) by the 21st.

We plan on using the Pinedale Outdoors shuttle service to move one of our vehicles to either Green River Lakes or New Fork Lake. We think it's worth it for the $100 'quasi-shuttle' fee, lets us cover more miles and hopefully be further away from dayhikers / overnighters when the eclipse hits.

Probably 4 of us for sure, but could be 6-7 of us in our party if all decide to make it.

So we've decided to do something very similar to you, just not sure in which direction. Trying to create a "zero" day or at least a pack off/day hike day for the 21st. So I think if we go GRL->EP the best natural option for that is Island Lake, though I imagine a lot of people will have that idea. Sort of seems like it would be helpful to abandon the notion that there won't be people around for this once in a lifetime event. :p

Going EP->GRL seems like Elbow or Summit Lake is a good spot for that. Unsure what your east facing view is there, but at 11:30 hopefully it'll be high enough that it won't matter too much. Or cloudy! :frantic:

Perhaps we can car spot beforehand if we're heading in opposite directions?

My other question is whether or not anyone has ever actually had trouble parking at either of these trailheads in the height of the summer around a weekend? Is it just hard? Or does it get to the point where you actually cannot and have to turn around?

Thanks again for all the helpful responses,

Hope to see you out there,

I've been looking at motels and Airbnbs and such for the eclipse (just for the interest of it) in Nebraska and Wyoming, and everything's full, some at $900/night. Spots in rancher's fields are going for $200/night and more. I have a feeling that every square inch of land under the totality will be crowded, except in the way outback. Good weather is key, as is the ability to move. I wouldn't be in the Winds, but rather out on some backroad in Idaho, as that's where your chances are going to be better to see the eclipse because of the wide openness. The Winds may very well be clouded in. I may go out by Craters of the Moon or somewhere between there and I-15. If you want to be close to the WInds, consider the Red Desert. I've seen a full eclipse and it was really cool - kind of eerie, and it makes one think of how early humans regarded such things when they didn't know what caused them. It's kind of spooky even when you do know. I love science and that's partly why, as it helps us rise above our superstitions.
I pondered this approach.
Park at Green River Lakes.
Hike north to Union Pass Road, FS Road 600, at Lake of the Woods.

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Hey, I just got into Pinedale today, and the whole area is under a thick cloud cover and it even sprinkled a little (it's actually pouring now). But when you're coming up here (from the south), you can see that this area has the only clouds for miles and miles, everyplace else is totally clear. I think I would steer clear of here personally. I camped in a cool spot on the way up about 10 miles north of Baggs Wyoming that has 360 degree views and would be perfect. Watch for a big Quonset hut just past it going north (turn around). It's on the east side of the highway and is signed "Wild Horse Road," but it splits into three roads and I took the middle one that goes way up on a big ridge. Nary a soul around, no bugs, no wind, and perfect views. The coyotes sang to me at dusk. I think it's called Wild Horse Butte. Nice views of Baker Peak, Black Mtn, and the backs of the Bears Ears (Colorado's, not Utah's).
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Hey, I just got into Pinedale today, and the whole area is under a thick cloud cover and it even sprinkled a little (it's actually pouring now). But when you're coming up here (from the south), you can see that this area has the only clouds for miles and miles, everyplace else is totally clear. I think I would steer clear of here personally. I camped in a cool spot on the way up about 10 miles north of Baggs Wyoming that has 360 degree views and would be perfect. Watch for a big Quonset hut just past it going north (turn around). It's on the east side of the highway and is signed "Wild Horse Road," but it splits into three roads and I took the middle one that goes way up on a big ridge. Nary a soul around, no bugs, no wind, and perfect views. The coyotes sang to me at dusk. I think it's called Wild Horse Butte. Nice views of Baker Peak, Black Mtn, and the backs of the Bears Ears (Colorado's, not Utah's).

We'll be flying from Nyc, so flights/car rental/shuttle will all have to be setup in advance. Unless the weather looks guaranteed raining, I think we're going to chance it.My perspective is that both the eclipse and a weeklong Winds trip will both be once in lifetime experiences for us. So if we get 1 of 2, it will still be awesome.

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So we've decided to do something very similar to you, just not sure in which direction. Trying to create a "zero" day or at least a pack off/day hike day for the 21st. So I think if we go GRL->EP the best natural option for that is Island Lake, though I imagine a lot of people will have that idea. Sort of seems like it would be helpful to abandon the notion that there won't be people around for this once in a lifetime event. :p

Going EP->GRL seems like Elbow or Summit Lake is a good spot for that. Unsure what your east facing view is there, but at 11:30 hopefully it'll be high enough that it won't matter too much. Or cloudy! :frantic:
Perhaps we can car spot beforehand if we're heading in opposite directions?

@Nethos - I would think Summit Lake would be a pretty decent spot for the eclipse. And, there are a couple of high points ("summits" sort of) nearby that are essentially walk-ups. Just west of there are some high plateaus near the Cutthroat & NoName Lakes, which might also be great spots to watch the eclipse. Yes, Island Lake (or Indian/TItcomb Basins!) would also be cool places during an eclipse, but I am guessing they will be MOBBED on the 21st. Which is why we hoping to be passing through there and leaving by the 17th at the latest, heading to more remote places. Indian Basin might not be so bad though....

I'm not sure what you mean by "car spot" but if you mean like a key swap, we're heading in on the 15th or 16th, I think. Well, IF we make it. I'm a consultant / sub-contractor, and work is spotty these days. We might not be able to go out in Aug this year. :-( I was hoping to have my plane tickets booked already, but might not happen... *sigh* But I agree with your sentiment - although the west side of the Winds tend to gather (or produce) the only clouds in the region, to me it would still be worth it, because a week-long backpack in the Winds (my wife has never been!) is epic with eclipse or not.
@Nethos - I would think Summit Lake would be a pretty decent spot for the eclipse. And, there are a couple of high points ("summits" sort of) nearby that are essentially walk-ups. Just west of there are some high plateaus near the Cutthroat & NoName Lakes, which might also be great spots to watch the eclipse. Yes, Island Lake (or Indian/TItcomb Basins!) would also be cool places during an eclipse, but I am guessing they will be MOBBED on the 21st. Which is why we hoping to be passing through there and leaving by the 17th at the latest, heading to more remote places. Indian Basin might not be so bad though....

I'm not sure what you mean by "car spot" but if you mean like a key swap, we're heading in on the 15th or 16th, I think. Well, IF we make it. I'm a consultant / sub-contractor, and work is spotty these days. We might not be able to go out in Aug this year. :-( I was hoping to have my plane tickets booked already, but might not happen... *sigh* But I agree with your sentiment - although the west side of the Winds tend to gather (or produce) the only clouds in the region, to me it would still be worth it, because a week-long backpack in the Winds (my wife has never been!) is epic with eclipse or not.

We are freelance contractors as well. So I understand how it is. Hope work picks up for you and you're able to go. Stay in touch.

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Hey @Nethos , it looks like we are going to do it after all.

We plan to go in at Elkhart Park around noon-ish on Wed Aug 16th, so we can visit Titcomb Basin (17th, maybe 18th) before the weekend crowds and be gone, heading north toward Jean Lakes and Elbow Lakes. Maybe drop down into Sauerkraut Lakes, to fish, but maybe heading north to NoName & Cuthroat area. From there, work towards Lozier Lakes and Kenny Lake, either cross-country across the plateau just west of Glover, or else on the highline via Clark (depending on weather, energy levels, etc). The idea is to view the eclipse from Greeley Pt, or the plateau around Lozier Lakes pass (just above Clark Lake), or perhaps even on top of Peak 11.820 overlooking Lake 10925 (sometimes labelled Marten Lake on some quads, sometimes labelled Kenny Lake). From there, we'll either head out New Fork Park, or the Green River (Highline Trail) to Green River Lakes, on Tuesday the 22nd.. We're currently still debating which exit.

As of right now, I think it's just 3 of us, but we may have 4 people. We're looking at 8-10 miles on most days, depending on weather etc. My wife takes a ton of photographs (and carries a lot of photography gear), hence our "slow" pace. We can knock out 15-18 miles/day when we need to, if weather or other conditions warrant. Contact me if our schedule (16th - 22nd) is potentially useful to you re: car shuttling or what have you.
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