I got the campsite I wanted!!!!


Nov 23, 2015
I got an e-mail late this afternoon from the folks at the backcountry office in Yellowstone. I got 8R5, Basin Bay Point campsite, on Shoshone Lake! I'm gonna get to see the geyser basin behind Shoshone Lake. Whooo-hooo!

(Not like I'm excited or anything. :) )

I got an e-mail late this afternoon from the folks at the backcountry office in Yellowstone. I got 8R5, Basin Bay Point campsite, on Shoshone Lake! I'm gonna get to see the geyser basin behind Shoshone Lake. Whooo-hooo!

(Not like I'm excited or anything. :) )


Shoshone Geyser Basin is a great choice @Pringles. Make sure you hit both sides of Shoshone Creek that runs through the basin to see all of the thermal features. Your campsite is a nice spot also. What route are you taking to the lake? Is 8R5 they only campsite you reserved for your trip?
I got that site for two nights in a row, so we should have one whole day to putter about. It probably sounds odd, but it's me, my boss and her husband, and possibly another co-worker. The plan at the moment is to come in on the Lone Star Trail and go out the same, but we could easily have two or even three cars, so we could work out coming out a different trailhead. They have done day hikes in Yellowstone for many many years, but no backpacking. I've only been here two years, and my first year I hadn't found my backpack in all my boxes from my move. So I only went last summer, and while I went twice in the park, I only stayed one night. As I got to camp the second trip, a bison a short distance out in a meadow gave me a strange look--hard to imagine, but trust me. I went off to find a place to put my tent, and by the time I got back to the food pole, the bison was coming into the woods almost at the campsite. I figured his permit beat my permit, and I hiked back to the car. I'm hoping to stay at the site this time! I've heard it's pretty buggy. I think I've also heard that one can soak in a thermal pool in that area--is that true? I'd kinda rather not boil my boss in a hot spring... :)

@Pringles - I am not familiar with the soaking options in the basin. I know that if there is thermal water that mixes with cold water (in your case Shoshone Creek) then it is OK to soak. The Park Service doesn't allow you to soak directly in any thermal feature.

Your site could be buggy, it really depends on the time of year you are doing your trip. I stayed at that site in June last year and there were plenty of mosquitoes to deal with. I think I would have preferred your bison companion instead. :)

If you are interested, there are a couple of waterfalls close by the basin. If you take the horse bypass trail which is located west of the basin, you will run into Tawny Falls on Fall Creek. Tawny Falls can be seen from the horse trail and if you work your way up (off-trail) Fall Creek, you will come to Quick Run Falls. The distance between the two falls is around .2 miles. They are both in the 15 to 20 foot range in height.
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Thanks for the suggestions Scatman. I'll let the group know, and we'll consider it. We should have plenty of time.
You'll LOVE the Shoshone Geyser Basin!!! It's so cool! I highly recommend going in via Lone Star Geyser like you are planning. The hike will be considerably easier and I think it's a lot more scenic! Grants pass is a piece of cake! The Delacy Creek route has lots of ups and downs going along the north edge of the lake.

What time of year are you going? I'd highly recommend mosquito head nets if you're going in July!
Awesome stuff River!


I first went there in 1975 on a canoe trip. I do not know what current regulations are or if thermal temps and toxins have changed, but we "soaked" in mud and rinsed off in a relatively warm creek. To bad you can't include Mr. Bubbles.

We now have a forecast for above average moisture through July. Don't forget your Deet, permethrin clothing only works to a point as several people who've begged me for deet can attest.

Good site, Basin is pretty nice. I'd loop it go in/out Lonestar/DeLacy.
Hasn't changed......cannot soak in hot pools......only outflow that are in a creek. Mr Bubbles is in the creek!