Never-ending growing photo collection at the top of my daily hike...


Sep 7, 2016
I hike the same trail every single day (when I'm in town). It's a pretty rigorous climb but I do it to stay in's a MAJOR calorie burn. I've taken a picture from the same spot at the top of the same mountain (Mt. Ogden from the north) every day that I've gone and I've accumulated a pretty good and neat collection.

It's really fun to see the difference in seasons, different cloud formations, difference in vegetation colors, difference in lighting (time of day (and a few at night under full moons)).

During the winter when the snow coverage is adequate, I skin up and and have found a few terrific runs to ski down - just a few spots with some tree dodging.

I plan to make a time-lapse video soon with all of the pictures when I get some spare time.

Here's a link to the collection:

and here's one of the pictures. This picture does not do this particular day justice. The light was beaming through the clouds on this day and just hitting Mt. Ogden. It was pretty surreal.
What dedication! Very cool to see the changes. Great share!
Thanks everyone. It has been a fun project and has certainly motivated me on those days when I get halfway up and am just not feeling it, to keep pounding cause I gotta get my pic :)

@gnwatts I will be sure to post the time lapse video here when I get it done.
how many photos do you have now? looks like about four years?
I have 913 total that span all the way back to 2012. there are about 20-25 missing from my google photos album because they are quite old and taken with a very old phone when I first started the project.

When I first started doing the trail, I wasn't hitting it nearly has hard as I have the last three's quite difficult and while I was in good shape back then, climbing to the top everyday might have been a tall order. I used to just go halfway up during the week and to the top only on the weekends and therefore couldn't take a picture during the week.

The last three years though I've really been diligent about trying to hit it more often.

I finished with 210 in 2016, 280 in 2017, and I have set a really stupid goal to get 300 this year. I'm on pace to do so right now even with a few work trips I have to do in Dec. I think when I get 300 this year, I may just take all of 2019 off :)
Neato! Are you an engineer? :)

I can't imagine hiking the same trail the same way 300 times in a year...

That said, this engineer hikes "the loop" in my backyard a couple of hundred times a year and keeps track of all his bag nights...
Neato! Are you an engineer?
I'm a software engineer / architect. Maybe that explains it? :)

I can't imagine hiking the same trail the same way 300 times in a year... this point neither can I and it's driving my wife absolutely crazy. It has become almost as bad as a drug though. I literally crave it in the mornings after I have my cup of coffee. I guess all things considered, it's really not something too bad to which to be addicted. I just need 42 more in 53 days though and then I will definitely be tapering off significantly. I would like to hit 1000 in 2019 but I have plenty of time to do that and that will just come naturally with my skiing up there.
I'm a software engineer / architect. Maybe that explains it? :) this point neither can I and it's driving my wife absolutely crazy. It has become almost as bad as a drug though. I literally crave it in the mornings after I have my cup of coffee. I guess all things considered, it's really not something too bad to which to be addicted. I just need 42 more in 53 days though and then I will definitely be tapering off significantly. I would like to hit 1000 in 2019 but I have plenty of time to do that and that will just come naturally with my skiing up there.
Figures. :)

Seems like keeping track of stuff and focusing on doing favorite stuff over and over is something that pairs well with our mindset and personality. Engineers, that is. I have driven Parley's canyon 16,000 times in my life. Now, why do I know that? I can't help it.
I cross paths with this Cow and Calf pretty frequently but I've never seen them this high up. They were almost in the spot where I take my pic at the very top (you can see Mt. Ogden in the background). I thought about trying to rustle them over to get them in the frame for the daily pic, then thought the better of it :)
Lol..... I rarely return to a place I've himed or backpacked... Unless it's leading to a new place. Too many places to visit
I'm curious which side of Lewis you tackle this from? Either way, impressive!

I go up from the east side on a very sparsely traveled old fire break road. It's sparsely traveled because it isn't super well known and because it's VERY rigorous. It starts at the water tank in Nordic Valley and goes pretty much straight up to the top where it connects with the South Skyline trail. It's only 1.4 miles but it climbs 1900' in that 1.4's a grinder for sure.