NIK software


Oct 30, 2016
Damn. I had no idea Google had abandoned it. I use that in my job nearly every day. Too bad Adobe doesn't just pick it up and bake it in to Lightroom and Photoshop.
I love my Nik plugins, and I really hope DxO treats the software well.

No more Adobe upgrades for me, though ... now that they’ve finished converting to their subscription model, it’s time to move on.
FWIW, I use Nik without Photoshop, the different plugins will open Nikon RAW files directly and you can save as tiff or jpeg after editing. I tend to open RAW files with Nikon Capture and then crop and unsharp mask and then send to either Color Efex or Silver Efex, then save as a jpeg.
I saw this and it is great news. I've been Using Nik long before Google bought it out. Same with DXO, it has been my RAW converter for many years. Adobe Camera RAW was a very blunt tool when DXO's full featured converter came on the scene. It just blew Adobe out of the water. I still use Nik as a Phtoshop plugin and fine the local U-point technology beyond amazing.
Just noticed this issue and am now wading in. I too use the collection pretty much every time I use LR. I bought it for pretty big bucks before Google acquired it and have not stopped since. It turns out that Nik was actually part of DxO then and now is again too. I may buy it again to support their putting development time and support into it but DxO is now in bankruptcy. They assure that Nik and they will survive this but should I trust them with my $50 (until July 1 when it goes to $70)?
I wouldn't spend anything on it. The 'free' version from Google is still working just fine with the most recent LR and PS updates.
I wouldn't spend anything on it. The 'free' version from Google is still working just fine with the most recent LR and PS updates.
I hear ya. It is still working just fine for me too. I may contribute to the cause to help fund them for the future so the next LR update doesn't kill me without them having survived to be ready.
Just noticed this issue and am now wading in. I too use the collection pretty much every time I use LR. I bought it for pretty big bucks before Google acquired it and have not stopped since. It turns out that Nik was actually part of DxO then and now is again too. I may buy it again to support their putting development time and support into it but DxO is now in bankruptcy. They assure that Nik and they will survive this but should I trust them with my $50 (until July 1 when it goes to $70)?

I had no idea DXO was in any trouble. They definitely have superior software and so does NIK. I would definitely get it but have moved away from my long time use of SLR/DSLR to iPhone and now use a combo of ProCamera, a seriously high level camera/processing German based software in conjunction with the fabulous Snapseed, an app developed by NIK.

I’ve used DXO since V3 and never had to upgrade unless the new version looked better. The older versions just kept working so I’d not worry too much about that.
I love my Nik plugins, and I really hope DxO treats the software well.

No more Adobe upgrades for me, though ... now that they’ve finished converting to their subscription model, it’s time to move on.
I gave up on Photoshop and Bought Affinity Pro for $50. It's just like CS6 and Nik works just fine with it. I actually like it better than PS.