South Ridge of City Creek Canyon - January 28, 2023


Dec 23, 2013
I started out with micro-spikes on this hike, but soon switched over to snowshoes as I began to sink in quite a bit. That should make @kwc happy. :) I read this past week that we are having the best winter in twenty years here in SLC, and I won't argue with that. We have had storm after storm roll through this winter.

Getting ready at the trailhead

I loved this shot. A little patch of blue sky behind the summit of Mount Wire to the southeast

Deer tracks coming off the hill

The sun popped out for a bit, and it caused me to overheat.

Beginning to work my way around the Avenues Twin Peaks. The snow is deep on the west side of the two peaks

Shoreline Trail

Off the Shoreline Trail and heading towards the North Avenues Twin Peak

A lone sagebrush as I climb the ridge

First view down into City Creek

Storming at the top of Black Mountain

The Dude Benchmark across City Creek

The summit of Burro Peak is in the clouds


Dark clouds moving in

One other person had made they way along the ridge

Mount Wire to the southeast

Stansbury Island in the sunshine to the west

Those trees on the north slope of Black Mountain look cold

Snowshoes and poles shot

Looking back at the Avenues Twin Peaks, with the Oquirrh Mountains in sunlight across
the Salt Lake Valley

Another shot looking back, but not zoomed in this time

Sunlit Antelope Island and Frary Peak just over the north ridge of City Creek Canyon

My nose might be running in this one. :)

Interesting clouds on my way back

Another shot of the Oquirrhs across the valley

Hmmm............................... I guess a good winter can be bad for the deer

Back at the Jeep, and @Rockskipper, I may need a smooth Tennessee Whiskey after this one. See if you can have Price send me up
their finest. :D

The End.
nice! I need to get up there. you might not think it but I've had some scary conditions up on the Little Black ridgeline with huge cornices and such
Good to see that Utah is getting so much snow this winter. Yellowstone is also getting hammered. Here in the SW enough rain has fallen that maybe a good flower bloom here in the spring. The whole west needs all of this moisture because of the drought the last few years. Always do love your trip reports and photos. Thanks for posting!
nice! I need to get up there. you might not think it but I've had some scary conditions up on the Little Black ridgeline with huge cornices and such

I had a big storm roll up on me when I was trying to make Perkin's Peak along Parley's ridge from the valley side one year in the first week of April. It was my first time attempting Perkin's. I could see the dark cloud move fast across the valley from the west. I was on the little scramble section just before the summit when it overtook me. It was white out conditions. Might have been the scariest situation that I have ever been in in the backcountry. I just followed the ridge back down as best I could. Eventually, I started hearing the traffic in Parleys so I knew I was heading in the right direction. I breathed a big sigh of relief when I made it back to the Jeep.
Good to see that Utah is getting so much snow this winter. Yellowstone is also getting hammered. Here in the SW enough rain has fallen that maybe a good flower bloom here in the spring. The whole west needs all of this moisture because of the drought the last few years. Always do love your trip reports and photos. Thanks for posting!

Going to need some of that snow to melt up north by June 22nd for my Wyoming Range trip. :)