
ephemeral excursionist
Jan 17, 2012
Well after all of that rain/snow the area received on Saturday (pretty much all day) I was very worried about Church Rocks Road. After my last experience with Alison on that road I almost bailed today. However the forecast was for slightly cloudy skies so I took a chance. I followed Summit advice to drive out on the road while it was frozen. To do this Spencer and I woke up at 3:10AM. Motivation was a little low that early in the morning so we didn't actually leave the house for another hour. We made excellent time to the turn off, just under 2 hours. As we pulled onto the dirt road at 6:00AM we saw a small heard of deer. It was too dark to take pictures so we just watched them for a bit as they headed up the hill.

At this point I was in no real hurry to get to the trail head because I really didn't want to start hiking until 7:00AM. Mostly I left the house this early as a test run for The Wave Round 2 with Alison. She has a longer drive home and would like to get on the road as soon as possible after we hike. The road was frozen and as we drove in you could see the ruts created the day before by cars trying to get out. If I remember correctly the temperature taken from the dash of the car was 31F driving it had been 25-27. We reached the trail head at 6:30 and prepared to leave. The light of day was already starting to illuminate the sky and by 7:00AM we did not need our head lights to see the trail.

I wore my new Gopro and had it set to take a picture once every 60 seconds. On two different occasions I changed that settings once as we hiked up to and around the Twin Buttes I changed the setting to one pic every 2 seconds and the second time was after we crossed the last wash and headed up to The wave (one pic every 5 seconds). Mostly just playing with a new toy. After watching the video I wish I would have set it for one pic every 5 or 10 seconds. I might post it for fun we will see.

The sun rise was spectacular! I really am stuck on sun rises and sunsets at the moment. Every day I drive to work I am treated to this beauty and at night. A bit spoiled I am, but really,are you spoiled if you truly enjoy the view? I think our best shots were taken as the sun said good morning on our way to the Wave. After that the lighting was pretty flat. I am no photographer. If I get a good pic it is by chance. After seeing so many wonderful pictures of the Wave I might post a few after I play with them. But really those of you who are photographers do it better justice than I can. Besides I am still figuring out how to post pics on this site. (By the way Nick thanks for fixing my other post)

We walked at a leisurely pace and made it to the Wave approximately 8:45AM. We walked around and took pictures but the cold winds and sand in our eyes coupled with the flat light left us a bit frustrated. On the hike over we had stripped our coats off and I really thought I had overdressed AGAIN. Oh no... the winds at the Wave made it feel 20-degrees colder. As soon as we reached the top of the hill as it starts into the Wave we quickly put our coats and gloves back on before continuing. We spent about an hour taking pics and had a quick snack.

The idea of seeing the dinosaur tracks near by was entertained for a few minutes until my sore feet, a blister on Spencer's pinky toe and the cold winds changed our minds. Again we took it slower going back then heading out but made it to the car by 11:45AM. We were on the road and parked in our garage by 2:10PM.

All in all it was a beautiful day! We were the first ones to the Wave and saw no one else until we were half way back to the car. The road going out was muddy but not HALF as bad as the last time when Alison and I were there with the kids. I think leaving at Noon before it really had a chance to warm up helped. When we left the temperature was up to about 41F.

I actually came up with a brilliant plan on this hike. I don't have time to learn how to be a photographer. To sit and take a formal class. No time! To busy with being mom, head of house hold, ect... so I am going to delegate this job to my son. I told him if I am working at the college so you can get a free education then I get to tell you at least one or two classes you MUST take when you start your degree and there will be no arguing about this. He looked at me a bit puzzled and I told him he WILL be taking photography classes. Then I will just drag him around to the things I want to see and record. He will be my personal photographer. He just laughed and hiked on and said "Okay mom... whatever makes you happy." There was one other catch to this deal. What he learns... he must teach me.

I will post some pics soon, and more as I deem them worthy.
Very nice Chere - I'm glad you did not let the weather stop you and your plans. The Wave is a special place. I look forward to going ack there. Spencer is becoming quite the young man.
Like the TR and the exchange. It sounds like a conversation I might have with my mom.
Don't be intimidated by the camera. If you want to learn it, it's not that difficult. Getting the artistic touch may or may not be another story.
AWESOME!!!! I can't believe how quick it was. :) Let's follow this plan when I am there in 3 weeks.
We could start earlier the sun rose about 7:45 for us and on the 12th it is rising 7:26. If we left the trail head at 6:30 I bet we would almost be to the Twin Buttes just as the sun was coming up. We can take longer if you like. Spencer was really sick of the wind blowing sand in his eyes. I wanted to wait around for the sun to hit the Wave it was just starting to hit the tips of the domes at 10:00AM when we left.
:twothumbs: What time are you planning on starting your hike?
Well we will be heading out early early! You are most welcome to join us. Be in two vehicles light green Subaru Forester and white Nissan Pathfinder.
:( I broke my camera. Guess the winds blew sand into the lens. It still take pictures but I can't zoom anymore at least not past X8.
DISLIKE! I will be taking my Canon and hoping to hone in on some great photos. I am HOPING to have new lens to play with by then??? But can't say for sure.
We could start earlier the sun rose about 7:45 for us and on the 12th it is rising 7:26. If we left the trail head at 6:30 I bet we would almost be to the Twin Buttes just as the sun was coming up. We can take longer if you like. Spencer was really sick of the wind blowing sand in his eyes. I wanted to wait around for the sun to hit the Wave it was just starting to hit the tips of the domes at 10:00AM when we left.
I am totally ok with slowing down a bit to enjoy it! I figure as long as I am on the road by 2, which from the sound of it could be a potential, then I am all about playing that day. Let's cross our fingers for stellar conditions!
You guys should explore up into Sand Cove if you have time. On my last trip we were out there at dawn, explored the area around The Wave, dropped into Sand Cove and took the slot back out and we were back at the truck by 1:30 with plenty of time for taking photos.