Westworld Shooting Locations


Aug 9, 2007
Has anyone else here been watching the new Westworld series on HBO? Tonight was the 8th episode of the 1st season and I am loving it. And for those of us familiar with the Colorado Plateau, it's extra fun because much of the show is shot right here in Utah, particularly the Moab area. I thought it would be cool to have a thread where we can ID shoot locations and chat about it. I was entertained tonight to see a scene was filmed right at Swaseys Beach a the end of Desolation and Grey Canyons. Anyone who has floated the Green through there will recognize Gunnison Butte:


But what really made me chuckle, is that for a good chunk of the scene, you can actually see the boat ramp and infrastructure visible right behind them!

Shoot location: https://www.google.com/maps/place/3...5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d39.115394!4d-110.109593

I think I'll rewatch this season over the winter and post a few more and see if we can sleuth them out. For those who haven't been watching, I highly recommend it. Here's the trailer:
Where is the series set? One of my pet peeves is when "westerns" use iconic Utah locations... but then say they're in Texas.
Castleton Tower has been in it a bunch.

Where is the series set? One of my pet peeves is when "westerns" use iconic Utah locations... but then say they're in Texas.

It's a make believe AI world. It's set in "The Old West." They speak of a few places that are close, but not correct to the area; ie Escalante, and Paria. I can't think of others.
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I have watched a few times. They really don't say where it is other than it is in the Westworld "park" for lack of a better word. At least I have not heard them describe the actual locations. It is a pretty good show.
A little off thread but I recently (2 nights ago) started watching Longmire. For those who don't know, it was filmed in New Mex but the story takes place in WY. They call the county Absaroka and pronouce it ab sa row ka. In my years in MT & WY I never heard it pronounced that way. All I ever heard was ab sor ka. But then I never talked to everyone in WY. But every time I hear it pronounced "wrong" I repeat ab sor ka, as if to cleanse my soul.

I'll have to check out this show at some point.
A little off thread but I recently (2 nights ago) started watching Longmire. For those who don't know, it was filmed in New Mex but the story takes place in WY. They call the county Absaroka and pronouce it ab sa row ka. In my years in MT & WY I never heard it pronounced that way. All I ever heard was ab sor ka. But then I never talked to everyone in WY. But every time I hear it pronounced "wrong" I repeat ab sor ka, as if to cleanse my soul.

I'll have to check out this show at some point.

This very subject surfaces in Season 5.
Season 6 has been promised.

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