Why Rush Through Paradise

Quality edit! If you have never applied for a GC river permit yet, this should motivate you...
One high up on my list. I'm afraid my only chance will be in a big group, and that is just not how I want to experience it. 27 days solo! I can't imagine a more perfect way.
I wanted to watch this video but I couldn't handle his bro/ Cali/ Pacific Northwest accent. Tried to give him a chance but couldn't make it.

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I wanted to watch this video but I could handle his bro/ Cali/ Pacific Northwest accent. Tried to give him a chance but couldn't make it.

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It was a little annoying at first, but I think it gets a little better as the trip goes on.....bro.
Haha. I have to admit, it is a pretty thick accent. But come on... good stuff in there. Put on your west coast translator headset and be happy it isn't a deep southern drawl. ;)
I fear that the rapids are over my skill level. I'd love to do the GC in my own boat, but I'm not ready yet.
Cool video. I didn't notice the accent, but I'm from NJ. What is the wait time for a permit these days? Also, I'm assuming with those class 10 rapids you need a white water kayak and spray skirt? I don't think my 12 ft pungo would have done well in those rapids.