11 days of canyons in the Zion-Page region (part 1)


May 18, 2012
Last Fall I managed to cram in a number of canyons on my wishlist during about 2 weeks of daily all-day hikes when we were blessed with no rain forecasts.
They were in the Springdale to Page region.

All lived up to expectations and the pictures really tell the story of how beautiful they all are, so there's not a lot to say about them individually.
Our desire to push every one to see as much as possible saw us hiking in the dark to reach the car on probably 5 occasions - and even one rappel in the dark.
Usually GPS and some sense of direction came to the rescue, although once the swinging GPS needle somehow saw me hit a road 3 miles south of our car at night. .

There was a lot of water and thick mud, so unfortUnately I didn't get to capture these beautiful scenes on my quality camera. Just as well as by the end dirt seized up the lens on the compact landing me a $100 repair bill back in the UK. But these were worth it.

Most days we saw noone, and only one day did we see more than 5 even though most of these are not really technical so I'm not sure if they earn the right to go on a canyoneering forum. But hey, they're canyons, there was some 2 person pushing, pulling, captures...and its winter, so apart from the hardiest few people are posting trip reports at the moment.
We can't really add much beta info except in ParunuweAp a recent storm had wiped out the boulder jam falls between Poverty and Fat Man's, so we had to wade chest high around the edge of a pool to the left going upriver, which didn't please our bigger guys carrying gear as they started sinking deeper in the quicksand.

Rather than lots of individual trip reports I've thrown the lot together in one mix with a few non-canyon shots for variety. But even trying to narrow it down to my favourite photos produced 50, so I'm going to split it into a part 1 and part 2.



























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Great pictures and it was wonderful spending a couple of days with you. Thanks for making that happen.
So the boulder jam is gone? A few years back we came down from Mt Carmel and we took the bypass for the falls. It turned out to be more work then it was worth. Do you have a picture by chance?
So the boulder jam is gone? A few years back we came down from Mt Carmel and we took the bypass for the falls. It turned out to be more work then it was worth. Do you have a picture by chance?

I wrongly described that. The boulder jam hasn't gone, it's just been rearranged so that the waterfall, as it was, is no longer there. The water doesn't go over the top. It has found a way to disappear down through a gap further down the rocks and emerges the other side. But I think the route to the left (going down canyon) where you climbed up and went through a rock tunnel has gone as the person who we were with, who has been many times, was quite shocked and didn't even attempt it. We were coming UP river so he took us to the left and it was easy to clamber up a short way (so that must have changed too). Perhaps he just looked around at the changes and found the easy way so didn't bother attempting the tunnel. A tiny bit further up there was wading through a chest high pool around a huge boulder which I think was new too. There was also a big bank of tree trunks and debris there that we walked down.
Several pics and links to a video of the changes if you scroll down to the comments here http://canyoncollective.com/threads/two-weeks-of-springdale-to-page-area-canyons.24249/
I wrongly described that. The boulder jam hasn't gone, it's just been rearranged so that the waterfall, as it was, is no longer there. The water doesn't go over the top. It has found a way to disappear down through a gap further down the rocks and emerges the other side. But I think the route to the left (going down canyon) where you climbed up and went through a rock tunnel has gone as the person who we were with, who has been many times, was quite shocked and didn't even attempt it. We were coming UP river so he took us to the left and it was easy to clamber up a short way (so that must have changed too). Perhaps he just looked around at the changes and found the easy way so didn't bother attempting the tunnel. A tiny bit further up there was wading through a chest high pool around a huge boulder which I think was new too. There was also a big bank of tree trunks and debris there that we walked down.
Several pics and links to a video of the changes if you scroll down to the comments here http://canyoncollective.com/threads/two-weeks-of-springdale-to-page-area-canyons.24249/