Gregory Zulu 30 - Too Big for a Day Pack?

Anyone used a Zulu?

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Randomly, and in the same price range, I've used one of these for a day pack for the last 16 years or so and would very highly recommend:

Just the other day I washed it and it's as good as new. Well not really but anyhow it's in great shape. It's perfect size for a long day in summer or a short day in the off season. IME used to carry these, not sure about now.

Gregorys are awesome but that particular pack you linked doesn't have enough attachment points, I'm always strapping snowshoes, axe, poles, etc. to this CCW pack. I have a much cleaner pack for my wife but it doesn't work for me.
Great point about the attach points. I have a Gregory Baltoro 65 for my multi-day trips which I really like except for its lack of attach points.

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I have a Zulu 40, have had it since last September. I like it a lot. I primarily use it as a day pack, although it is never full for that use (when the whole family goes out and I'm the water mule, it is close, though!). A couple winter showshoe and climbing trips as well. It is very comfortable, seems well made. Carries just fine with a 3l water bladder and the usual stuff for a long day hike. No regrets about the pack or the 40l size.

I agree that it could use a few more attachment points -- I wish it had sleeping pad straps on the bottom -- but I bought it primarily for day use, so I can't complain. I have strapped snow shoes under the hood straps and carried an ice axe without issue. The only time I wished for more attachment points was climbing Mt. Hood this spring, where I wanted to carry a shovel, foam pad, etc. I ended up having to carry my old heavy less comfortable Vortex pack for that climb. But that is the only time the Zulu hasn't met my needs, and it isn't a mountaineering pack, after all.

As it happens, I've lightened up my gear enough that I can fit everything inside, so it will be my solo 1-4 night pack as well. When I get a chance to take such a trip, of course ...
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Thanks for the info. Very helpful!

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