Mary Mountain Trail Hike, Yellowstone NP- September 5, 2015

Les Denny

New Member
Sep 11, 2015
Hello. I'm new the this site but am an old Yellowstone visitor. I'm glad I found it. On September 5, 2015, seven friends and I hiked the entire Mary Mountain Trail from the trailhead at Alum Creek to the trailhead at Nez Perce Creek on the road from Madison Junction to Old Faithful. It was a great hike but a long hike, to be sure. Many of the trail guides provide different distances ranging from 19 miles to 22 miles. It is 22 miles in length. One of the interesting things about the hike is that there was only one person under the age of 53. He is 28. I was the oldest at 62 (a little bragging on my part). Advice: Make sure your feet are properly cared for. Spend the money and get some good hiking boots. Of course, being in fairly good shape is a must. As the trail report states, it is fairly moderate, with some elevation gains that are moderate as well. I would not hike this trail without a GPS. We had one and it proved to be invaluable in getting us through the many bison trails. That was probably our biggest challenge and without the GPS we would have spent extra time wandering. As it was, we did get off the trail a couple of times but found it again with the help of the GPS. Apparently, wandering off trail is the reason for most rescues by the Park Service. Take water shoes as there are small creeks and marshes along the way. Trail guides speak of fording Nez Perce Creek at the west end of the hike. We crossed an old horse/foot bridge and did not have to wade Nez Perce Creek. If you plan to make the trip please know that it is through one of the most beautiful parts of Yellowstone. By the way, we saw a few bison, no bear, one coyote and tons of berry-filled bear scat.
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@Les Denny - Mary Mountain is a special hike, glad that you completed it, a very nice accomplishment. I noticed you didn't mention Mary Lake which sits at approximately the halfway point. I have a picture of that lake on my office wall so that I can feel like I'm there all the time.

Mary_mountain.jpg Mary Lake, Yellowstone NP - you can make out the trail (stagecoach road) in the northeast corner and as it leaves Mary Lake in a southwesterly fashion.

If you liked the Mary Mountain Trail, next time take the old stagecoach road up Trout Creek to Mary Lake. This route will take you along the southern edge of Hayden Valley (as opposed to Mary Mountain Trail's northern approach) before intersecting with the Mary Mountain Trail. Actually, the Mary Mountain Trail intersects with the old stagecoach road. From roughly 1.7 miles east of Mary Lake until you exited along Nez Perce Creek you were hiking along the old stagecoach road. It's originally how folks got from one side of the Park to the other before a road was built from Old Faithful to West Thumb and on to Fishing Bridge.

Great report. Thanks for sharing.


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@Les Denny - Mary Mountain is a special hike, glad that you completed it, a very nice accomplishment. I noticed you didn't mention Mary Lake which sits at approximately the halfway point. I have a picture of that lake on my office wall so that I can feel like I'm there all the time.

View attachment 34268 Mary Lake, Yellowstone NP - you can make out the trail (stagecoach road) in the northeast corner and as it leaves Mary Lake in a southwesterly fashion.

If you liked the Mary Mountain Trail, next time take the old stagecoach road up Trout Creek to Mary Lake. This route will take you along the southern edge of Hayden Valley (as opposed to Mary Mountain Trail's northern approach) before intersecting with the Mary Mountain Trail. Actually, the Mary Mountain Trail intersects with the old stagecoach road. From roughly 1.7 miles east of Mary Lake until you exited along Nez Perce Creek you were hiking along the old stagecoach road. It's originally how folks got from one side of the Park to the other before a road was built from Old Faithful to West Thumb and on to Fishing Bridge.

Great report. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the suggestion. Not sure I'll make it again but will share the information. Mary Lake was nice. We took pics at the Park Service cabin then had to give some ground to a bison that was walking down the trail. At that point we strayed from the trail but reconnected on the west side of the divide. One thing I did not mention in my first report, but should have, is for anyone hiking the trail to take along enough food and shelter if an overnight stay becomes unavoidable. There is no camping through that area but pack the gear just in case.