New fees for Canyonlands


Desperately Seeking Sandstone
Jan 21, 2012
Well, this is a bummer! Has anyone heard about the new fees they've implemented in Canyonlands? $30 for a backpacking permit?!!! Hopefully that isn't per night. $10 for 4WD day use. $30 for 4WD/mountain bike camping. Seems pretty steep to me.o_O
Isn't that the prices they have always been? I know I have paid $30 for a backcountry camping permit before...which will cover multiple nights.
Isn't that the prices they have always been? I know I have paid $30 for a backcountry camping permit before...which will cover multiple nights.

I don't know if it was always that much because there was a news release about a fee increase.

I wasn't aware the fees were that high if that's how it always was. Some other parks have backcountry fees that are much lower. When you paid for your permit was that for backpacking IntrepidXJ?
It used to be $10 or $15 for backpacking permits, $30 for 4wd overnight. All are per permit, regardless of nights.

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Lisa- The only time I backpacked in Canyonlands so far was when I had a permit for the Peekaboo campsite, which can be a 4wd site, and the road to it was closed.
It used to be $10 or $15 for backpacking permits, $30 for 4wd overnight. All are per permit, regardless of nights.

That's good that it can be for multiple nights, at least. $30 is still a lot of money. I found out about this because I was looking at doing an overnighter in Chesler Park this fall, but it doesn't really seem worth doing an overnight trip at that price.
That $30 will also cover the full group, so if you get a couple people to go and split the cost it's not bad.

If you're going in a group, it's not too bad, but I'd probably end up going alone.

I paid $15 this year and a few weeks ago they increased the fees for the permits to $30.
That's a lot of money, especially when you're a solo hiker

I completely agree. $30 is a lot for one person. It's a shame they aren't setting permit price by group size like Zion does.

I could not imagine paying to backpack on our own land. Insulting.

Amen, brother! I think it's crap. I don't mind paying entrance fees, but I don't agree with all the additional fees for permits, etc. Especially when they start getting so pricey that it prevents people with less money from enjoying their own lands.
Pretty sure it was only $7 to drive a vehicle in when I was there in Feb., but it was $10 a couple weeks ago. I always buy an annual pass though - I wonder if/how much that might go up.
