Ride Shares for Through Hikes


May 17, 2017
Does anyone know of any ride share boards or services for through hikes, such as Buckskin Gulch to Lee's Ferry. Would be interested in something like this for other through hikes, or in general, but specifically looking for a good way to do Buckskin at this time
I have gotten no replies so I am trying something using Facebook Group Event Calendar. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1986748654889852/ If you are interested in a through hike that requires 2 vehicles, anywhere, Join this group, add a description of the hike onto the dates of the calendar you are interested in, hopefully others will do the same and we can coordinate ride-shares in this way. I will be publicizing the group in as many hiking and camping boards as I can find, and sharing with as many like minded people as possible, hopefully the group can grow fast to a level to be useful to all
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