Uintas Short Hikes


Apr 27, 2016
My nephew is visiting and my wife is still recovering from her rolled ankle. She says she is up for backpacking but then I catch her hobbling around. We have never been into the Uintas and planned to drive up this weekend. I am just wondering on some good short hikes that we would check out.

Thanks in advance.
Lots of good stuff just off the highway. Try the Notch Peak Trail, starts at the Bald Mountain Trailhead parking lot and goes downhill for a while. You can go as far as you want, but there are several good lakes around 3 miles in, then just turn around when you are done and head back up.
That Notch Peak Trail and Bald Mountain trail look like good ones. Hopefully my wife's ankle will be up for it and my nephew will take my advice and start drinking water for the next couple of days instead of energy drinks. He is coming from about 1800' and he has never been much above 8000' so it could be a bit of a shock for him exerting himself at those elevations.