Yellowstone reservations from Lone Star to Bechler area


Nov 23, 2015
I received notice today that I got my reservations into the Bechler! I'm really excited. I start at Lone Star Trailhead, go to Firehole Springs (OA3) the first night, to Douglas Knob Meadow (9D3) the second, spend two nights at Albright Falls (9B9), then back to Douglas Knob Meadow, then Upper Firehole (may hike out) and then out.

I think that from Albright Falls, it's only about a mile and a half to Mr. Bubbles. Is that right? The map says "thermal area," I assume that's Mr. Bubbles.

I assume a number of you have been through this area... are there things I should look for, or plan on doing? I'd hate to get the permit, do the hike and then find that I'd missed something magnificent.

I also got the hiker site at the end of the Dogshead Trail, on Shoshone Lake. I think it's 8S1. I'm kind of excited. OK I'm a LOT excited. :)

I've never been to the Bechler area so I can't comment on that. I have spent multiple nights at both OA1 and OA2, but haven't slept at OA3. All 3 are nice. OA3 sits on the edge of upper meadow along the Firehole river (more a stream at this point). It's nice. Stars should be awesome it it's a clear sky. Definitely hit up Shoshone Geyser Basin! If you're going in July, definitely bring the mosquito repellent and a head net.
Thank you for the reply Homer J. I often forget about the stars. Two summers ago I was at Dunraven Pass at about 11 pm and looked up... holy cow. I got an Original Bug Shirt shirt and pants before a trip to Alaska, and now anytime someone mentions bugs, I put on my bug suit. It looks weird, but I love it. I have hiked by the O's, on the way to the Shoshone Geyser Basin. Thanks for the ideas. It's the kind of information I need. :)
Mr. Bubbles is on the Ferris Fork not far from 3 Rivers Jct.

Don't ever count on treated clothing to deal with Greater Yellowstone Mosquitoes and Deer Flies. I have been begged for DEET by folks that spent fortunes on it and/or "natural" repellants.
Thank you for the bug advice Absarokanaut. I will carry DEET, but the Original Bug Shirt uses a fabric the mosquitoes can't really bite through. I've spent over a month on Arctic canoe and rafting trips, and probably not gotten more than a dozen bites--most of which came from "visiting a bush." The shirt has fabric the bugs can't bite through that drapes over your skin, and in areas where the fabric wouldn't lay on your skin (under your arms, along your sides), there is mesh. You have a hood with a built in mesh for your head. On one trip, when the bugs were driving people bonkers, I got more than a few stares that made me think they were going to kill me and take my bug suit away from me. I call it my sanity suit.

I am really interested in Mr. Bubbles. Is that side trail the one that says Thermal Area at the end? Are there hot springs (the pretty colored kind) there, as well? I won't try to even get close to them, let alone get in one--I understand the danger, but I would love to see more thermal features without having seventy-eleven people jostling me.

Scatman, how far would I need to go? And, since I'm turning around rather than going to any of the southern trailheads, if I travel south from my B9B site, can I see many more waterfalls before the river ford that the guidebook says is hip deep? I'm pretty excited. :)

Today I got reservations for one of the campsites on the back side of Ice Lake. I know it's not far from the road, but they look so beautiful when I hike by, and I hope to be able to go drive the roads and watch for bears during the earlier part of the day and then bop into the woods in the late afternoon, enjoying the stars and smells. Then, the next day, I might go climb Mt. Washburn or do some other day hike, and again come back in the later afternoon. I'm so happy about these trips.

Again, thank you for the information.
Scatman is onto it if you allot the time; explore the Ferris Fork. These are the reasons you take a trip like this. He can fill you in. Just don't forget that special pool.

Hoping you don't even have to use the bug suit; later spring and earlier summer forecast on the drier side. Ptetty wet rain/snow higher mix in the region here now but the sun came out today and for the first time this year saw scantily clad outdoorspeople. Think it hit 48.

You know I'm posting this so we get hammered and don't have a local fire season. Smoke could be bad...or not.
Scatman, how far would I need to go? And, since I'm turning around rather than going to any of the southern trailheads, if I travel south from my B9B site, can I see many more waterfalls before the river ford that the guidebook says is hip deep? I'm pretty excited. :)

Today I got reservations for one of the campsites on the back side of Ice Lake. I know it's not far from the road, but they look so beautiful when I hike by, and I hope to be able to go drive the roads and watch for bears during the earlier part of the day and then bop into the woods in the late afternoon, enjoying the stars and smells. Then, the next day, I might go climb Mt. Washburn or do some other day hike, and again come back in the later afternoon. I'm so happy about these trips.
Again, thank you for the information.

You'll have to go about a quarter mile beyond the trail end at Mr. Bubbles to reach the first fall on Ferris Fork. After that, they are spaced out between a quarter mile up to a half mile between them. When my group came down Ferris Fork off of the Pitchstone Plateau, we hiked along the ridge for ease and made our way down to the creek at each fall. Hike as far up the creek as you want and return for a soak in Mr. Bubbles, you'll have earned it. :)

I don't recall there being any falls between your campsite and the ford; maybe a few cascades.

I received my permit for Ice Lake also. I'm taking an old backpacking friend who has had multiple back surgeries to the lake for any easy trip, essentially just to get him back into the backcountry. When are you heading into the lake? I'll be there in September.

Sunset on Ice Lake
If you want a campsite close to the road with the added benefit of fishing, consider checking out Grebe Lake. Its about 3 miles of flat trail just down the road from the Ice Lake TH. It has some spectacular fishing for rainbows and arctic grayling. When I was there last July we just sat on the lake shore watching Ospreys dive into the lake for fish, it was amazing. Tried to get it on video but they wouldn't cooperate.... haha.
If I remember correctly one of the rangers informed me that Ice Lake doesn't have a fish population.
Again, thank you all for the information.

I always hike with the bug pants, but the jacket's a different matter. I hope the bugs aren't a big issue, but I'll be prepared. We had a couple of sunny days here on the other side of the Absaroka's. I went to Bighorn Canyon (I should post pictures...) and it got up to 64*. Then we had a blizzard one day last week, and it snowed again last night. It's weird. I see the Bighorns right now, and they look like someone sprinkled powdered sugar on them.

I will keep your directions in mind and look at the map. The group will have to decide whether to go upstream, or not. But now we KNOW what the possibilities are. It sounds like wandering down canyon might not be worth the effort, though it might be worth the stroll after setting up camp. I hard about Mr. Bubbles when our group was hiking back from the Shoshone Geyser Basin a couple of years ago, from someone who breezed by saying he had to get to Mr. Bubbles. We all looked at each other to see if any of us know what he was talking about. Once I understood what it was, I started trying to figure out how I could get there. Now, two years later, we have a permit. :)

Scatman,the picture is beautiful, and you are to be commended for taking your friend. I hope when I am in need of a little help, someone helps me get out. My reservations are for June. I didn't apply for any September reservations. I had a ranger tell me to just come in, that they could always find me a pretty place, as long as I didn't need to go someplace specific. And then he gave me reservations to someplace pretty. So this year, I have asked for 4 reservations to places I wanted to go, and I hope to walk in and just "get" spots other times. The first time I went backpacking in the park, my boss told me that some friends had been trying to get reservations to someplace (turned out to be the Bechler), for years. Since they'd never gotten their reservations, my boss said she had never even tried backpacking in Yellowstone. Since then, she "suggests" a place to go, and I get us reservations. Then we go off and have a good time. She has now retired, and I emailed her that I had reservations to the Bechler and asked if she wanted to go. They're checking their calendar.

BryanG, maybe I can get a non pre-reserved campsite on Grebe Lake sometime this summer. Or do it as a day hike. Watching the Osprey sounds great. I'm not into fishing. The last thing I need is another activity to pursue. :)

Again, thank you for the added information. It'll make the trips much better.

It is snowing pretty well here in Jackson today. Was also in the 60s in Dubois the other day but upper 40s here.


I boondock and dayhike quite a bit down here. I am fat and older than I should be so if you're fleeter afoot and just want some info along the lines of your Ice Lake Plan let me know. Have you ever been to Brooks Lake and hiked the Jade Lakes, Upper Brooks Lake, and Rainbow Lake? Rainbow is probably about 4 quite level miles out and pretty nice right on the Teton Wilderness Boundary? Lost Lake near Togwotee Pass, about 1.5 miles in? Upper Jade is just 2.4 miles in and although a rise quite easy too and can be a real gem in the evening after dayhikers stop coming.

Whatever you do have a great time.
Hi Absarokanaut! I, too, am fat and older than I should be. No, wait, I'm as old as I should be but that is rather old. I have never been fleet of foot and it's not looking like I'll be awarded that moniker in my lifetime.

So, these lakes you're talking about are in the Tetons? I've never been to, nor heard of those lakes. I thought Togwotee Pass was on the road, sort of on the way to Dubois... I think I saw two grizzlies just beyond the pass last year, grazing by the side of the road and eventually chasing each other down the road (it was pretty amazing, like a horse race). I'd love information on shorter or less strenuous hikes in the Tetons AND in the areas of Yellowstone you know about. I'd especially like info on trips that I might be able to snag on weekends. I don't mind staying in front country campgrounds, but I will never forget being caught between one camper who was listening to old-timey country music on the radio, and another who was listening to NASCAR on the radio. Walking even 15 minutes into the woods usually means I just listen to crickets or frogs or the occasional road traffic.
So, these lakes you're talking about are in the Tetons?
The Teton Wilderness is entirely separate from the Grand Teton National Park. It's in a completely different mountain range. Kind of a misleading name. Most of the hikes Absarokanaut mentioned start from a trailhead (Brooks Lake) that's right by a few campgrounds, and they would make an easy weekend trip if you don't live too far away.
Brooks Lake is just East of Togwotee Pass in my favorite part of the Shoshone, the Wind River Ranger District. Pretty far for a weekend for you.
Just out of curiosity, did your confirmation arrive via email or regular mail? I'm still waiting to hear on my Thorofare trip (in and out at Heart Lake trailhead) request for early September. We planned the same route last year for late July but because of the snow, the Yellowstone ford at Yellowstone Lake wasn't going to be manageable until late August at the earliest. We pushed things back until early September this year, with the hope that we'll get the route that we want to do. When they called me last year they said that they separate the applications by region, so I'm thinking maybe they haven't gotten to that region yet. I appreciate any insight any of you can share.

@marquiri - I have received my permit by email for Ice Lake in September, but I have not received the one for my July trip to Little Firehole Meadows yet. In the past, all of my permit requests have shown up by the third week of April.
@marquiri - I have received my permit by email for Ice Lake in September, but I have not received the one for my July trip to Little Firehole Meadows yet. In the past, all of my permit requests have shown up by the third week of April.
Thanks for the information. I was hoping it would be via e-mail. Last year I got the dreaded phone call around April 20th, so I was thinking it would be before then. I've been keeping an eye on my credit card hoping to see a $25 charge show up, but no luck yet. I'm in Florida, so I'd like to be able to book flights into and out of Jackson Hole before they get out of hand.
I’ve gotten all my permit information by e-mail. I still have one request out. I love it when my credit card company asks me if it’s ok that I had three $25 charges from Yellowstone. No, it’s not ok, it’s awesome!

A ranger told me that there are always walk in spaces, and with one exception at Bridge, I’ve always had rangers who have helped identify a site that was open and awesome. Now I only request site that have some special interest to me. I guess that doesn’t help if yo’re flying from Florida.
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